About Us

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aboutusSalaki Collection is a privately owned company. We are a distributor and retailer of quality clothing, handbags, wallets, belts, and other accessory items crafted and made from exotic leathers. SALAKI also provides a custom design service, whereby we will work with a customer to produce a unique style or design of the customer's choice. Our top priority is to deliver only the most exceptional, highest quality products, to delight even the most discerning fashionista.

The majority of the products we offer and work with are made from Python Snakeskin. Python Snakes is neither threatened nor deemed to be an endangered species, they are not listed on C.I.T.E.S, and commercial activities regarding products made of these animals are free of limitations. All the products we offer in Salaki Collection were manufactured from the leathers acquired only from accepted and legal commercial activities i.e. snake animal breeding farms in Indonesia. 

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